
Anreise Very easy, with the EF shuttle

Unterkunft The Family was absolutely awesome! They let me feel like a member of the family and I felt like this would be my second family. It was the second time I was in a foreign country on my own for 3 weeks and I had so much luck that I had the opportunity to stay there. They were lovely and welcoming people, you can't imagine. I really like them and the country and I didn't want to leave when the 3 weeks were over. The house is really beautiful and clean as well and is located in an area where it is very easy to go to a bus stop or a Train Station. By the way..Thanks for everything! I love you!

Sprachkurs I had a friendly teacher, she tried to make valuable suggestions for improvement and even when we talked in class and when we stayed at home, she stayed in contact with us....

All in all, the class were interesting, because we had a practical training lesson and theory lesson., Now i am practicing my english online, i make the i lab session and it helps me to improve my skills, reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Sprachreise insgesamt My 3 weeks English Business intensive courses were very great to me.rnI will not forget the time there, I learned the language and i found a new friends from different countries. My course were very good, i have had a good teacher who always helps us to improve our english. And also the teachers were very funny, the best was that that we learned some good things for the future, like leadership skills.

Intensivkurs / Jugendliche / London / Vereinigtes Königreich

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